
2023 Reading Recap

I read 74 books last year, about 25,000 pages which is down from the past couple of years. The majority of what I read last wasn’t great, and some of it was a slog. Lookout by Trina Moyles was very enjoyable and probably the highlight. Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey was also a good read. I’ll be reading some more of her this year.

The start of the year I read entirely sci-fi and by the end had switched mostly to nature and travel writing. I think ploughing through The Expanse books in the first few months tempered my want for sci-fi but I didn’t realise till much later on. Fairly sure this led to a bit of a lull. That’s not to say The Expanse are bad, they’re not as good as everyone says but reading 9 books and 4\5 novellas back to back to too much. I probably would have enjoyed them more too.
