
Lenovo 100w Gen3

Bought myself a little laptop yesterday, a Lenovo 100w Gen3. Nice device for the money. AMD 3015e CPU, decent keyboard and so far the battery life is impressive. I immediately wiped Windows and installed Linux Mint XFCE and this is where things start going down hill. The touchpad doesn't work under Linux. Seems this is a known issue for elan based trackpads. I've tried a few things, using synaptic drivers, modifying GRUB with some additional parameters, updating the BIOS and using kernel 6.4. Touchpad doesn't want to work. I even booted to WinPE and it does work in there so the hardware is fine.

There's a reddit thread about the Lenovo 300w both the 100w and 300w share the same driver so it seems reasonable think its the same issue lenovo 300w gen 3 support

I'm hoping to find a solution soon as I really like the device, its perfect to throw in a bag for traveling. If it get smashed or broken it doesn't really matter, it cost £110.

#Lenovo 100w Gen3 #Linux